Our concern is with the measures that are being introduced globally in an effort to combat climate change. On these pages we explore the reality of climate change and the potential costs of these measures.
Is the global climate changing? Seems like this is the sort of thing that is constantly changing. Here are some questions for us to consider:
- What are climate change predictions based upon and how accurate are they?
- Is the global climate changing in a way that is going to cause difficulty for humans?
- What is the real basis for climate change hysteria?
Here are the inconvenient facts about the polar ice caps. The Arctic is not ice-free. This year's minimum sea ice extent was well above the record low observed in 2011. In the Antarctic, a recent study from the Journal of Glaciology indicates that the ice is not only not decreasing but is, in fact, increasing in mass, directly contrary to what the global warming alarmists had told us would be happening. This is not what their climate models projected. According to the satellite data, there has been no significant global warming for the past 18 years. Those are the data. The global warming alarmists don't like these data. They are inconvenient to their narrative.
(Source: "Data or dogma?")
Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer, dispels the myth pushed by climate zealots that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant”, as an excuse to seize power and control over every aspect of our lives. “It is the food of life. It is plant food. It is not a pollutant. But, it is invisible, and you can easily be frightened of something you can’t see… and this is being exploited.”
(Source: "Prof. Ian Plimer: CO2 Is The Food Of Life, Not A Pollutant")
The argument that climate change is “settled science” is no more. Scientists and researchers are now stepping forward to declare that the narrative is fake. Many are arguing that while the climate changes, there is no climate emergency. So what’s the case, and where is this debate heading?
(Source: "New Papers 'Completely Undermine' the So-Called Settled Science on Manmade Global Warming: Alex Newman")