Save Our Sonoma does not discriminate based on race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation or gender

Save Our Sonoma

About us

* Introduction *
Save Our Sonoma (S.O.S.) represents the people of Sonoma County who wish to challenge the political and economic agendas that are implemented at the expense of our communities, without honest science and quality public involvement.

S.O.S. does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation or other protected class. We simply want to attract members based on their love of Sonoma County, and willingness to be involved locally on the many issues affecting the people of Sonoma County.

Our volunteers donate countless hours and we depend on donations to do our work. We are grateful for any help you are able to provide in supporting our organization.

* What are we up to? *
We take action in response to the unprecedented stripping of our freedoms and inalienable rights by creating a culture of information sharing, community support, and thoughtful civic action. We serve to inform and empower our local communities with a specific dedication to the needs and issues facing Sonoma County.

We believe there is a new social, political and health policy unfolding that promotes division among us. This is something that we simply will not tolerate. Whatever our political affiliation or vaccination status, we all deserve the right to choose without coercion, threat, or intimidation. We feel it is our duty to ensure that our freedoms are restored and remain in place for generations to come.
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* Join us! *
S.O.S is completely run by volunteers. We offer and promote various community events, we create and distribute educational materials and we bring our community together to take action. Our talent stack includes professionals of all kinds. We are continuing to seek those who are interested in contributing a particular skill set to help expand what we offer to Sonoma County. We are looking for people who have a deep passion for tackling the tyranny that is unfolding in front of us all. Our current public newsletter reaches over 2,500, and we welcome you to join the ranks of our private membership association!
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* Stay informed *
Please visit our public Substack at the link below where you can read about upcoming events, calls to action and news stories important to all Sonoma County Residents. On Substack you can sign up to receive the newsletter via email.
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* Focusing on the Issues *
S.O.S. members work to address important issues in areas such as human rights, censorship, coercion, suppression of information, parental rights, public policies, government overreach and economic challenges.

Public health policies and medical freedom are a big part of our efforts. We actively promote action related to horrendous California legislative agendas. These agendas will adversely affect us all if we do not speak loudly (we cannot stay silent!).
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* History *

We began in 2020 with a small, but fierce group of individuals who were questioning the public health policies that were unfolding and affecting all aspects of our lives. These policies and restrictions were imposed with little justification, explanation or use of established and evidence-based scientific protocol.

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