Save Our Sonoma

Past Sonoma County Elections

* Nov 5, 2023 Election *
Only 13% of registered voters will decide who represents all of us in Sacramento for the next two years and only 5% will choose judges, school board members, city councils, mayors and the like. Your vote matters. Get out and vote!

Vote on November 5th, use the art of surprise, do not give opportunity for anyone to know or predict voting and voters ahead of schedule. This is why they want you to vote early. If you vote early you have less time to change your mind. What if you mail in your ballot and then you find out some new information about a candidate that you then want to change your vote, too late if you already mailed it! They want you to vote on your feelings and to vote early so you make less educated choices. Don't fall for it. Your ballot can get damaged in the mail. Do not mail ballots.

Make sure you vote at the polls on a fresh ballot they provide then, destroy the one they mailed you, but take it with you to the polls to prove you have not yet voted.

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