Save Our Sonoma

Taking a stand

We recognize people and organizations in and around Sonoma county who are taking a stand against tyranny.

* Michael Huang, MD *
Dr. Huang is a physician from Roseville, CA who spoke at an SOS event in 2021. He has treated thousands of patients for vaccine injury from the COVID vaccine. But in the past 20 years, he's only needed to treat < 5 people from vaccine injury from OTHER vaccines. He has specifically treated over 250 nurses from Kaiser for vaccine injury.
(Source: "Michael Huang, MD in California has treated THOUSANDS of vaccine injured...")

Am I proud to have done what I did in the past three years? Hell yeah. If I knew that my office would look like this in three years and you showed me this video and said: 'Hey, see that family right there, they need your help. If you were to see them, this is what your practice will look like.' What would you do? I would do exactly the same thing I did in the past three years because I am proud of it. I am here to defend my liberty, my freedom, my patient's autonomy. I refuse to bow down to tyranny. I refuse to be intimidated!
(Source: "Doctor Put Out Of Business For Refusing To Bow To California's Tyrannical Medical Laws")

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